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The MUET listening test is probably one of the more tricky ones to score because your true listening skills is developed through your everyday life more than anything else. Materials are only tools to assist you to prepare better for the exam. But with the following tips and information about the exam format, you should be able to grasp what is it you have to prepare in order to score a good Band for the MUET listening test.
Exam paper code: 800/1
Exam duration: 30 minutes
Total weightage: 15%
Paper format:
Three parts
20 questions in total
Types of question: Information transfer, short-answer questions, MCQ
*The MUET listening test will assess candidates on their ability to:

  • Comprehend various types of oral text of varying length

  • Master different levels of complexity in terms of content and language

  • Recognize main ideas

  • Recognize supporting details

  • Paraphrase

  • Distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant (filter out irrelevant information)

  • intentionsandInterpret the speaker’s views, attitudes

  • Distinguish fact from opinion

  • Summarize information

  • Draw conclusions

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